Thank you to the women of the Greymouth Uniting Parish

Published on 4th of June, 2019

Some of the wonderful Greymouth knitters: Marie Lucas, Elinor Whitmore, Avis Harper, Helen Flintoft, Lorraine Hilton.

Four or five times a year, women of the Greymouth Uniting Parish knit up a storm for the Christchurch Methodist Mission.

Around 10 women regularly send us boxes of hand-knitted woollen and second-hand clothes for whānau supported by CMM. Baby clothes, prem baby clothes, machine knitted goods or clothes that are surplus from the church’s op shop also find their way into the boxes.

“It’s just grown,” Lorraine Hilton, the organiser, says. “It’s a community effort. We knit whatever anyone feels like unless a social worker tells us something specific. Sometimes I’ve got wool and other times people like to knit through their stashes.”

We’re very grateful for the support. Winter woollies are particularly welcome at this time of year and we know a number of children and babies are kept warm throughout Christchurch winters because of their efforts.

Thanks a lot, Lorraine, for overseeing donations, and to all the other women who provide clothes.