New look Wise-Up making a big impact

Published on 14th of November, 2017

In the 2016-17 year CMM ran 6 Wise-Up groups with 54 participants.

The Wise-Up programme is helping to change the lives of children aged between 8 and 10 years old.

Wise-Up is a life skills programme that meets the needs of children with low to mid-level anxiety or who need help managing difficult emotions. Changes to the programme were implemented in 2016 to be more inclusive of a child's whānau. The lead facilitator now does home visits with caregivers of all children participating and parenting sessions are offered concurrently with the programme.

CMM Wise-Up Coordinator Tineke Tuiletufuga says that "the programme helps children gain confidence and self-esteem and gives good strategies for helping manage anxious behaviours. Parents are seeing a real difference in their kids. Schools like the fact that parents are more involved with their children."

The feedback from parents and caregivers about Wise-Up demonstrates the impact that the programme has on children in need of support. "One Mum that I spoke to could see a big change in her daughter. She is going to give a speech to her class about self-esteem – something that she would never have done before attending Wise-Up," says Tineke.

Wise-Up runs every term in different schools and community venues around Christchurch. Children are referred to the programme by schools or their whānau.